Primary themes for Brutal Catalyst

Urban recovery from war:

Drawing on thirty years of urban and conflict research, Dr. Russell W. Glenn addresses challenges confronting Ukraine’s national and urban leaders as the country confronts war’s devastation. The past offers bountiful examples of how those tasked with urban recovery can mitigate costs and revitalize their cities physically, socially, and economically even as the specter of Russian aggression remains.

Recovery from the war in Ukraine:

War’s punishments touch cities unevenly. Some suffer damage but escape occupation. Occupation visits others but lightly. Occupier deprivations elsewhere have burdened Ukrainians for years. Each case presents recovery issues of its own.

Lessons for urban recovery:

Cities will lead recovery from the war in Ukraine. Recovery is impossible without these engines of growth. History and ongoing innovation offer Ukrainians insights for managing economic assistance, guiding post-war reconstruction, subduing corruption, gaging recovery effectiveness, and the myriad other challenges confronting cities and countries as war continues and in its aftermath.


Maps and Figures

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Ukrainian Cities at War

Chapter 3: The Past Speaks—Drawing on Previous Urban Wartime Disasters

Chapter 4: Recovery in an Ethnically Strident Capital (Sarajevo)

Chapter 5: Three Cities, Three Fates—Recovery in Kharkiv, Kherson, and Mariupol

Chapter 6: More on Challenges for Cities Recovering from War

Chapter 7: Conclusion


About the Author